Join Us

Three Non-Negotiables

KKI is a worldwide network. If you want to join, whether you work in caring, reaching, discipling or mobilizing the coming generation, you are welcome! Our network can be a huge place of inspiration, sharing, encouragement and prayer, as it is definitely not good to be alone. Joining the KKI network is mainly about three non-negociables: You need to agree with the vision, you need to agree with the values, and you need to commit to relationships, as our network is more like a family rather than an organization.

The form is not important. You may dance with a group of children and teens, you may help poor children to do their homework, you may evangelize kids in the inner city streets, you may lead teenagers in outreach, you may disciple families, you may care for orphans… we all need each other, we are all part of a bigger plan as the Lord wants to reach, train and release the emerging generations. Let’s join the family!

Different Level of Involvement

KKI is now a movement that flows out of YWAM, as several churches and ministries are part of our international family. Joining KKI can be done at several levels:

  1. Creating a KKI ministry in the context of your YWAM base.
    KKI is the name of the ministry inside a YWAM setting, and any ministry targeting the emerging generation agreeing on the three non-negociables can be part of the KKI network.
  2. Creating a KKI ministry in the context of your local church, or group of churches.
    You will give to this ministry a name you choose and can specify under it: part of the KKI network. You become KKI associates. The leaders involved in those groups meet regularly as a regional/national network to pray for each other, inspire and encourage each other… They are invited to join international events and conferences. The KKI national office can visit them, give them tools and train them to carry on their vision. These groups are fully under the legal, spiritual and financial responsibility of the local church or group of churches.
  3. Creating a ministry out of the KKI network, but still getting influence and resources from KKI.

Joining KKI

If you want to join KKI as a staff, please contact your national KKI leader. We encourage you to first do a DTS (Discipleship Training School) where you will get the YWAM DNA, then a PCYM School where you will get to learn about KKI values, programs and build relationships with leaders and staff as well as fellow students. You also can do an Internship somewhere in the world with one of our KKI ministries to get further training.

©2025 Kings Kids International


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