Different Expressions

While our values define our philosophy of ministry, KKI can take many different expressions around the world. Active in more than 75 nations, we are committed to:


the generations in serving God’s purposes in all spheres of life and throughout the nations. Camps and outreaches mobilize Christian young people, giving them opportunities to share their faith with others and to participate in extending the Kingdom of God.


children, youth, families and servant leaders in learning to live and share the Kingdom of God. Year round discipleship programs help young people and families to strengthen their relationship with God and live in a way that brings joy to His heart.

Reach out

to those who have not had the opportunity to hear the ‘good news’. A variety of clubs, youth activity centers and streetside church programs share the love of God with children, teens and families who have little or no contact with a Christian witness.


for underprivileged and at risk children, young people and their families. KKI mercy ministries around the world are involved in practically serving the needs of young people such as street kids, orphans, children with AIDS, child soldiers or teen prostitutes.

Some years ago, KKI was mostly known as a group of children and teenagers singing and dancing. This was the first model and tool God had given us in the beginning, but singing and dancing are only means to accomplish the task He has given us to do: to know God and to make Him known with the younger generation and their families. In some nations, singing and dancing is still very relevant and used; in others it’s no longer the case.

KKI is not a form or a recipe we can copy from one nation to another, like some fast-food chains. Whatever the country, if we enter one of these restaurants, we know we will eat something that tastes the same anywhere in the world. No, KKI is not first of all a matter of external form. KKI is mostly about a common vision, common values and the willingness to nurture relationships and to build together. Without these three elements, even if we do singing and dancing with kids, this is not KKI. With these three elements, whatever we do, this is KKI.

©2025 Kings Kids International


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