

Every Summer, dozens of KKI teams go into the nations to worship the Lord and reach out to all kinds of people. Whether in mega-cities or in remote places, KKI outreaches provide opportunities to see God move and thus to know Him better, to have a strong team experience and to get to discover and love new people and places. It’s an opportunity to move with God for children, teenagers, young people and even entire families. Gateway and Planting together are two of our outreach strategies at this time.

KKI year-round team

A Summer experience is great! Getting trained as a disciple of Jesus during the whole year is even better! Through KKI year-round teams, children, teenagers, young people and whole families can grow in their knowledge and love for the Lord, in their character and vision, in their skills. Some teams are in a YWAM base context, others in a local church, others are interdenominational.


NIKO is a character-building camp in the wilderness for teenagers and above, during which participants learn through different practical experience about giving up their rights, team work, service and party. NIKO comes from the Greek nike which means to overcome. This is not a survival military-type camp, but a strong tool to build up character and vision in young people’s lives (read more).

Family camp

As we believe discipleship happens in daily life and not only in events, we see that the family has a primary role in this process. But we also realize many parents don’t know how to know God, bring joy to His heart and make Him known together. Our family camps are designed to train families to grow in those dimensions.

See & Know

We believe in the capacity of children from their very young age. See & know is a strategy and a tool to introduce toddlers to Christ and start to disciple them from the start.

Children Evangelism

MK4 is a whole strategy to reach out to unchurched kids in the streets and visit them at home. It’s a prevention approach, introducing Kingdom values, building trust and relationships with the families and little by little introducing them to Christ.

Daniel Prayer Groups

This program aims to train kids in prayer, intercession, worship and listening to God’s voice. Through creative means, they are taught how to pray for people, situations and nations in a deep and fun way.

Preteens Training

The preteen years are key in the training process of children. Jesus at twelve was already eager to enter his Father’s business. The Jewish had their bar- or bat-mitzvah at this age. Similarly, we have designed a tool to anticipate the teenage years with all its challenges and to build up their understanding and faith.


Linking is a connecting network providing training and support for KKI teens in Europe. We disciple teenagers to fulfilling their potential in the great commission. Linking equips and empowers teenagers, releasing them in their God-given potential and as  creating a chain of discipleship. This supports and trains European teenagers who are involved in their local KK ministry (age 13 to 19). Even though they are becoming adults, they are still teenagers today (read more).

©2025 Kings Kids International


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