Date(s) - July 15, 2024 - July 20, 2024
All Day
Where will you be next summer?
I hope the answer is in France!
France is awaiting 15 million tourists for the Olympics. As a King’s Kids team, we always want to reach the nations. This time, the nations will be represented in Paris. So, SAVE THE DATE!
RISE 2024, a King’s Kids Go Camp, from the 15th to the 20th of July, one hour from Paris (in Jambville). Will you join us? We also encourage your team to organize an outreach after RISE CAMP (we’ll help you to connect to KK groups and churches). Will you pray, to know where you can go to impact and bless our nation?
For more information, please go to
You can also email us or follow us on Instagram.
Les Fabricants de Joie – France (KKI France)