No Ordinary Child

Children, preteens and teenagers have a God-given destiny and spiritual capacity.
We believe the emerging generations can know, love and serve God.

We, as leaders of KKI ministries, must be convinced of the spiritual capacity of children and youth to know God and to speak His word. As we read the gospels, we see that it was often the children who had the spiritual discernment to know who Jesus really was. As leaders, we must follow the example of Jesus and welcome the young people to be a part of our lives. With a basic understanding of the ages and stages of a child’s physical and emotional development, we will be able to target our teaching to meet their specific needs.

It is vitally important that we view the teenagers as adults in leadership training, and allow them to take ownership in some of the aspects of team life and decision making. We also draw in the support of those in their pre-teens through an apprenticeship style of leadership. This is a critical stage for them in the forming of their philosophical views and personal identity.

©2025 Kings Kids International


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