A letter from the FFC regarding the Tanzania Accident

We–Dale, Ricardo and Kathy–of the KKI Founders Fellowship Circle (FFC) are absolutely brokenhearted at the tragic loss of twelve members (including the bus driver) of our broader YWAM family, and especially, at the loss of our dear KKI brother Blaise from Niger, who influenced so many lives with his anointed leadership and loving, father heart, and who was deeply loved by so many. We very much join with all of you in lifting up his beloved wife, Jeannette, his son Caleb, and his daughter, Phoebe.

We regularly uphold them and the others in our YWAM tribe who are suffering deeply due to the loss of a loved one, be it a husband, wife, father, mother, coworker, or friend. We know that the pain of their loss is beyond words, and we are asking our Father to carry them in every way during this time, giving them a daily sense of His loving, comforting Presence as well as helping them with every practical need.

We also carry deeply in our hearts and prayers our beloved Joële and her family, as Joële continues to recover from very serious injuries. Along with continued prayers for healing, we are praying that nothing prevents Joële from traveling back to Switzerland on Friday, and that the trip is safe and as comfortable for her as possible. Of course, we have Guy and the rest of the family close to our hearts and in our prayers. They are carrying so very much now, both emotionally and in practical ways.

We are thankful that wonderful Cyrille has been released from the hospital and are praying that he will be able to return to Togo soon. We pray for healing for the others in our YWAM tribe who were seriously injured and are still recovering. Along with all of these prayers, we pray comfort in every way for these dear ones who have not only been traumatized by the accident and their own injuries, but have also lost treasured friends. WE KNOW THAT YOU, OUR ENTIRE KKI FAMILY, FEELS AS WE DO, and are also lifting everyone–including the loved ones of those who are now with Jesus–up in prayer

We also hold our entire KKI family in Africa up in prayer, as this tragedy surely affects you deeply, both in personal and ministry ways. We love you, appreciate you, and will continue to pray for you.

It is not easy to understand such a tragic situation, but we are thankful that we all know the GOD OF ALL COMFORT, who holds those who are suffering and grieving in His loving hands. Along with prayers for full healing for Joële and the others injured, we pray according to the following verses and ask God for His Word to comfort us all:  Matthew 5:4: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Psalm 34:18: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”  Psalm 116:5: “The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.”  2nd Cor. 1:3-4: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”

We believe that Jesus weeps with us, as He did with those who mourned over the death of Lazarus. We are thankful that the death of these dear ones is precious to Him, as Psalm 116:15 says: “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” And we are grateful that we aren’t people who grieve without hope (1 Thess. 4:13). May we all receive His comfort and then reach out with His comfort to others, as we connect with one another, pray for one another, pray for all those deeply affected by this tragedy, and pray together in the midst of our sorrow.

We are GRATEFUL for our global KKI family, as we all rally together with love, comfort and prayer. Please know that we, of the FFC, are holding all of you in our hearts and prayers. It has been so very wonderful to pray with many of you during this February month of prayer.

We love and are grateful for all of you.
Dale, Ricardo and Kathy


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