Life Training


Daily life provides many opportunities to be trained as followers of Jesus.
We believe discipleship is mainly relational and happens in everyday life.

Because KKI is interdenominational in its scope, there is a focus on the character of God and the principles of scripture, rather than on church doctrines. As leaders, we must follow Jesus’ style of discipleship, which is to serve. Kings Kids participants learn to see their performance, projects, careers, or sports events as an overflow of their love for God, rather than a means by which they may gain recognition or praise. They are taught about the value and importance of receiving the Lord’s “well done” as their greatest reward. As they relinquish their rights and count others as more important than themselves, they will be a powerful expression of the Kingdom of God.

The main objective of KKI outreaches and other programmes is to help each team member develop a consistent godly lifestyle. There is a real danger of an outreach becoming just an “emotional high”. The debriefing time at the end of a missions trip is just as important as the training camp preparation before. The team members should face going back to their schools, jobs, and home situations with a sense of excitement and expectation of what God will do in their year round situations.

©2025 Kings Kids International


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