God will make a way… to the ILA

As a lot of us have started either our preparations for, or even our travels to the ILA, here is a little encouragement on how God can make a way… to the ILA.
Because of Covid travel restrictions in France, I had to fly out from Zurich, Switzerland yesterday on Saturday.
I was blessed by a Swiss Doctor friend of mine with a free PCR test 2 days earlier.
As I went to check-in for my flight at the Zurich airport, the counter agent tells me that my PCR test certificate is not valid as it doesn’t have a QR code or a stamp on it. No way to let me on the plane!
A bit annoyed, I leave the counter but she calls me back quickly saying that actually it doesn’t matter because my flight is so delayed because of a storm that they have to rebook me to the next day flight.  Now I’m totally annoyed!
But then I realized, I now have time to get a new PCR test at the airport (they will pay me back for it), I got to spend the evening and the night in Zurich with a friend and I was able to warn my other friends about the new regulations on PCR tests before they flew.
This morning, as I was checking in for my flight, I received my E-visa for Egypt, which came just in time. If I had flown last night, I would have received too late!
Amazing how God does it, isn’t it?
As you prepare to go, whatever challenge you face, don’t get annoyed like I did, but remember, God will make a way… to the ILA!
1 Comment
  1. Carolin 3 years ago

    Please I would like to connect via zoom or internet or whatever to ILA meetings… do not see any link

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